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Minimum retesting intervals – application through electronic order forms on common laboratory tests


1University Hospital Centre Zagreb, Department of Laboratory Diagnostics, Zagreb, Croatia

DOI: 10.22514/SV112.062016.17 Vol.11,Issue S2,June 2016 pp.77-79

Published: 14 June 2016

*Corresponding Author(s): RUŽICA GALOVIĆ E-mail:


Inappropriate ordering of laboratory tests generates unnecessary excess of labour, ex-penses and waste. Here we present how the laboratory can proactively and effectively manage its workload using minimum re-testing intervals implemented in a com-puterized hospital laboratory test ordering system.

The hospital information system was up-graded with a feature of checking and alert-ing to inappropriateness of a patient’s test request according to pre-set criteria (exist-ence of previous result within a defined time period, and a pending request for the same test). The project was implemented in two hospital wards and results were collected for emergency requests during April 2016. Overall, 4,094/20,495 requests violated the implemented criteria for the appropriate-ness of testing and generated alerts. As a consequence, 1,517 requests were dismissed (7% of all requests, 37% of alerted tests). Throughout the study, the total financial savings was 33,394 HRK (approximately 4,300 EUR). The average saving per test was 8.1%.

A restriction of emergency tests requests resulted in substantial effectiveness, sug-gesting further implementation together with the promotion and education between clinicians and laboratory professionals.


minimum retesting intervals, lab-oratory test ordering, emergency test requests

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RUŽICA GALOVIĆ,MIRJANA FUČEK,DUNJA ROGIĆ. Minimum retesting intervals – application through electronic order forms on common laboratory tests. Signa Vitae. 2016. 11(S2);77-79.


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