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Case Report

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Reactive cholecystitis as the leading sign of subacute perforation of the right ventricle with the electrode of an implantable cardioverter defibrillator


1Department of Cardiovascular Diseases, University Hospital „ Sveti Duh“, Zagreb, Croatia Croatian Catholic University

2Department of Gastroentrology, University Hospital „ Sveti Duh“, Zagreb, Croatia

3Department of Cardiosurgery, University Hospital Zagreb, Croatia,School of Medicine, University of Zagreb.

4Department of Radiology, University Hospital „ Sveti Duh“, Zagreb, Croatia

5Special Hospital for Rehabilitation, Krapinske Toplice, Croatia School of Medicine, University Josip Juraj Strossmayer, Osijek

6Department of Cardiovascular Diseases, University Hospital „ Sveti Duh“, Zagreb, Croatia School of Medicine, University of Zagreb

DOI: 10.22514/SV131.052017.25 Vol.13,Issue 1,March 2017 pp.100-102

Published: 20 March 2017

*Corresponding Author(s): JASNA ČERKEZ HABEK E-mail:


Subacute lead perforation of the right ven-tricle caused acute, reactive, acalculous cholecystis, which initially distracted the attention of physicians from the develop-ment of hematopericard. Implantation of a cardioverter defibrillator in a young patient after sudden cardiac arrest, but be-fore treatment of significant stenosis of the proximal left anterior descending artery, resulted in a life-threatening condition only 36 days after arrest. After removing the implantable cardioverter defibrillator, there was no sign of pathological cardiac rhythm disorders.


subacute lead perforation of the right ventricle, reactive acalculos cholecysti-tis 

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JASNA ČERKEZ HABEK,ŽELJKA BELOŠIC HALLE,HRVOJE GAŠPAROVIĆ,TOMISALV JURKOVIĆ,NENAD LAKUŠIĆ,JOZICA ŠIKIĆ. Reactive cholecystitis as the leading sign of subacute perforation of the right ventricle with the electrode of an implantable cardioverter defibrillator. Signa Vitae. 2017. 13(1);100-102.


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