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What affects the outcome of severe preeclampsia?


1Department of OB/GYN, School of Medicine, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia

2University of Applied Health Sciences, Zagreb, Croatia

DOI: 10.22514/SV101.062015.1 Vol.10,Issue S1,June 2015 pp.6-12

Published: 22 June 2015

*Corresponding Author(s): PETRANA BELJAN E-mail:


Preeclampsia is a severe multi-system pregnancy related disorder associated with multiple maternal and fetal adverse out-comes, including fetal and maternal mor-tality. The aim of this study is to investigate the clinical difference between early- and late-onset preeclampsia and their impact to perinatal outcome, and to detect pos-sible antenatal parameters that can predict adverse fetal and maternal outcomes. The research team conducted a retrospective cohort study of 308 singleton pregnan-cies complicated with severe preeclamp-sia over an 8-year period in our tertiary level centre. Clinical differences and perinatal outcomes between early- (<34 weeks, n=147) and late-onset (≥34 weeks, n=161) preeclampsia were analyzed. Pos-sible antenatal risk factors that can influ-ence adverse perinatal outcomes in severe preeclampsia were also evaluated. Clinical symptoms and perinatal outcomes were significantly unfavourable in early-onset preeclampsia. Adverse perinatal outcomes in the early-onset group were complicated with 10 (6.08%) intrauterine fetal deaths and 4 (2.37%) neonatal deaths. Primipa-rity seems to be the significant antenatal risk factor for appearance of early-onset of the disease (p<0.001, OR 2.39, 95% CI 1.48-3.86) and for the first minute Apgar score <7 (p=0.036, OR 1.68, 95% CI 1.04-2.74). Patients with severe preeclampsia are high- risk obstetric patients because of the unpredictability, varying clinical pres-entation and potential adverse outcomes of the disease. Pregnant women with an early appearance of the disease had severe clinical presentation and more often an unfavourable perinatal outcome.


early-onset preeclampsia, peri-natal outcome, HELLP

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