Article Type
Special Issue
Carbamazepine overdose presenting as a diabetes insipidus –like condition in a child
1,Division of Critical Care Medicine Nemours Children’s Hospital
*Corresponding Author(s): MADHURADHAR CHEGONDI E-mail: madhuradhar.chegondi@nemours.org
overdoses it can produce various side effects involving neurological, cardiac, hematological and endocrinal systems. Inappropriate secretion of Anti Diuretic Hormone (ADH) is a well-known complication of carbamazepine toxicity. We are reporting an unusual complication in an adolescent girl with intentional carbamazepine overdose. A sixteen year old female with carbamazepine ingestion presented to our hospital with altered sensorium. On admission she was found to have a very high serum carbamazepine level and metabolic acidosis. In contrast to the possible inappropriate secretion of ADH, as an adverse effect of carbamazepine, her hospital course was complicated with a diabetes insipidus – like condition following treatment with multiple doses of activated charcoal and sodium bicarbonate therapy.
Carbamazepine, Diabetes Insipidus, activated charcoal, child
MADHURADHAR CHEGONDI,ANDRE RASZYNSKI,BALAGANGADHAR R. TOTAPALLY. Carbamazepine overdose presenting as a diabetes insipidus –like condition in a child. Signa Vitae. 2015. 10(2);208-215.
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