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Holistic and team approach in health care


1Education Institute of Emergency Medicine City of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia

DOI: 10.22514/SV112.062016.14 Vol.11,Issue S2,June 2016 pp.66-69

Published: 14 June 2016

*Corresponding Author(s): DUBRAVKO HULJEV E-mail:


Holistic medicine means consideration of the complete person, physically, psy-chologically, socially, and spiritually, in the management and prevention of dis-ease. These different states can be equally important. All healthcare practitioners should aspire towards a holistic approach to patients and attempt to practice it. Rec-ognizing the ‘whole’ person in the preven-tion and treatment of a disease may hold the key to some diagnoses for doctors. It may also allow valuable and important help and guidance to be given to the pa-tient. Patients tend to be more satisfied if a doctor takes a holistic approach, feeling that their doctor has time for them and their problems. In addition to a holistic approach, a team approach to a patient is also extremely important. There are three types of teams: a multidisciplinary, inter-disciplinary and transdisciplinary team. Which team will be used depends on the possibility, knowledge and the patients’ needs. In a team approach the patient is the main focus and is thus the responsibil-ity of every member of the team. The team has a responsibility towards one another to have open communication channels and mutual respect for different professions. Each member of the team should know his or her own abilities and limitations. In many articles the outcomes of treatment with a team approach have been reported positively, with no reports of negative con-sequences of team intervention. Further-more, the use of a team approach has been demonstrated in all healthcare settings across the continuum. Forming a multidis-ciplinary team is only one aspect of provid-ing a multidisciplinary health care service. Developing systems and resources that ensure the team can function effectively is also essential.


holistic approach, team work,multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary, trans-disciplinary

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DUBRAVKO HULJEV,TATJANA PANDAK. Holistic and team approach in health care. Signa Vitae. 2016. 11(S2);66-69.


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