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Rescuer fatigue does not correlate to energy expenditure during simulated basic life support


1 Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care, Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Kralove, University Hospital Hradec Kralove, Hradec Kralove, Czech Republic

2 Department of Anesthesiology, Perioperative Medicine and Intensive Care, J.E. Purkinje University, Masaryk Hospital, Usti nad Labem, Czech Republic

3 Emergency Medical Service of the Central Bohemian Region, Beroun, Czech Republic

4 Hradec Kralove Region Emergency Medical Services, Hradec Kralove, Czech Republic

5 1st Department of Internal Medicine, Department of Sports Medicine, Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Kralove, University Hospital Hradec Kralove, Hradec Kralove, Czech republic

6 6Department of Anesthesia, Pain Management and Perioperative Medicine, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada

7 Department of Research and Development and Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care, Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Kralove, University Hospital Hradec Kralove, Hradec Kralove, Czech Republic

DOI: 10.22514/SV121.102016.10 Vol.12,Issue S1,October 2016 pp.58-62

Published: 10 October 2016

*Corresponding Author(s): ROMAN SKULEC E-mail:


port (BLS) may be limited by the physical capabilities of rescuers. The other factor that may affect BLS quality is its energy ex-penditure. Therefore, we decided to com-pare the energy expenditure of standard BLS with a compression-ventilation ratio of 30:2 (S-BLS) and compression-only BLS (CO-BLS) and assess the sensation of fatigue and perceived exertion associated with these activities.

Methods. We conducted a simulation study on 10 healthy volunteers using a resuscita-tion manikin. Participants were randomly assigned to start with CO-BLS or with S-BLS, in accordance with recent guidelines. Later, every individual provided the other type of BLS. BLS was terminated in the event of exhaustion, impossibility to re-tain high-quality BLS or after 30 minutes of BLS. Energy expenditure was expressed as relative oxygen consumption (VO2/kg) and area under the curve of all VO2/kg measurements during each BLS proce-dure indexed to one minute (AUCVO2/kg min). All participants completed a survey to assess perceived intensity of exertion by Borg, and sensation of general fatigue by visual analogue scale.

Results. Maximal VO2/kg (23.16±3.94 vs. 20.17±2.14 ml/kg/min, p=0.049) and AUCVO2/kg min (18.90±3.13 vs. 15.91±2.07 ml/min3; p=0.021) during S-BLS were significantly higher compared to CO-BLS. Conversely, a more intense rate of perceived exertion (16.6±2.0 vs. 13.8±1.2, p=0.001) and sensation of general fatigue (86.5±10.8 vs. 75.0±14.3, p=0.058) were associated with CO-BLS. Neither sensa-tion of general fatigue, nor perceived exer-tion correlated with energy expenditure.

Conclusions. Energy expenditure of S-BLS was higher than of CO-BLS in our study, while sensation of fatigue and perceived exertion reflected the opposite association.


basic life support, energy ex-penditure, general fatigue

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ROMAN SKULEC,ANATOLIJ TRUHLAR,VLADIMIR VONDRUSKA,RENATA PARIZKOVA,JAROSLAVA DUDAKOVA,DAVID ASTAPENKO,TOMAS SUCHY,CHRISTIAN LEHMANN,VLADIMIR CERNY. Rescuer fatigue does not correlate to energy expenditure during simulated basic life support. Signa Vitae. 2016. 12(S1);58-62.


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25. Acknowledgments

26. Supported by the programme PRVOUK (Research Area Development Programmes at Charles University) P37/02 and by Ministry of Health, Czech Republic – conceptual development of research organization (UHHK, 00179906).

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