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Can tablets be used as a simulator for automated external defibrillation during cardiopulmonary resuscitation courses?


1Istria County Institute of Emergency Medicine, Emergency Medical Service Pazin, Pazin, Croatia

2University Hospital “Sisters of Mercy”, Zagreb, Croatia

3Zagreb County Health Center, Health Center Samobor, Samobor, Croatia

4First Aid Student Team Project, Croatian Medical Students’ International Committee, Zagreb, Croatia

5Primorsko-goranska County Institute of Emergency Medicine, Emergency Medical Service Rijeka, Rijeka, Croatia

DOI: 10.22514/SV121.102016.5 Vol.12,Issue S1,October 2016 pp.31-35

Published: 10 October 2016

*Corresponding Author(s): IVOR KOVIC E-mail:


Background. A novel, tablet-based auto-mated external defibrillator (AED) simu-lator has been developed to facilitate AED training.

Objective. To evaluate if the tablet AED simulator (an AED simulator based on mobile technology (M-AED)) can be suc-cessfully used during cardiopulmonary re-suscitation (CPR) courses. To test medical and dental students’ CPR attitudes, knowl-edge and skills, and evaluate the impact of a one day CPR course.

Methods. One hundred and twenty-four medical and dental students of University of Zagreb participated in a basic life sup-port and automated external defibrillator (BLS/AED) course. All students filled out demographic, CPR attitudes and knowl-edge questionnaires before and after the course. Half of the students practised AED skills during the course on a conventional AED trainer (C-AED), and half on M-AED. All underwent assessment of CPR skills after the course with C-AED. Those that used M-AED during training, rated its use.

Results. All students successfully complet-ed the assessment of skills after the course, with no significant difference in the num-ber of those who had to be retested be-tween C-AED and M-AED. A significant improvement in CPR attitudes and knowl-edge was noted after the course among all students, with no difference between C-AED and M-AED groups. M-AED as an AED trainer was highly rated.

Conclusions. Tablet based AED simula-tors can be effectively utilized during BLS/AED courses as a substitute for conven-tional AED trainers.


defibrillators, computer simu-lation, mobile applications, cardiopulmo-nary resuscitation, European Resuscitation Council Guidelines

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IVOR KOVIC,DINKA LULIC,FRANKO HALLER,JOSIP DRUZIJANIC,ILEANA LULIC. Can tablets be used as a simulator for automated external defibrillation during cardiopulmonary resuscitation courses?. Signa Vitae. 2016. 12(S1);31-35.


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