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Informed Consent for Intravenous Contrast Administration in the Emergency Department: Understanding and satisfaction among patients using the video-assisted vs. traditional methods


1Department of Emergency Medicine, Ewha Womans University, Seoul, Korea

2 Department of Emergency Medicine, Eulji University, Seoul, Korea

DOI: 10.22514/SV131.032017.15 Vol.13,Issue 1,March 2017 pp.28-31

Published: 20 March 2017

*Corresponding Author(s): YOON HEE CHOI E-mail:


Background. Computed-tomography (CT) is increasingly performed among patients who visit an emergency department (ED), many of whom require the administra-tion of intravenous contrast, to make an accurate diagnosis of their condition and offer prompt treatment. Though the safety profile of new intravenous contrast agents has improved, patients are still exposed to significant risk from potentially life-threat-ening reactions.

Materials and Methods. This is a prospec-tive study. Subjects were patients over the age of 18, or their family representative, who visited the ED. Subjects were ran-domly assigned to either the original rou-tine explanation for consent or the video-assisted explanation. Patients completed a questionnaire about contrast adverse ef-fects and the proposed treatment. Results. Mean values of the degree of un-derstanding of informed consent were rel-atively higher in the video-assisted group. When assessing the proficiency of the in-former, the score for understanding and satisfaction was higher in the attending staff informed group than the house staff informed group. 

Conclusion. This study showed a higher level of understanding in the group that was provided information using visual aids, rather than in the traditional way. Also, a higher level of understanding and satisfaction was shown among those who were given explanations by an attending staff member. 

The busy ED, due to factors such as over-crowding, is expected to see benefit from appropriately utilizing multimedia visual aids, and also from more experienced medical staff providing information.


informed consent, intravenous contrast, visual aids

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HYO JEONG SONG,YOON HEE CHOI,DUK HEE LEE. Informed Consent for Intravenous Contrast Administration in the Emergency Department: Understanding and satisfaction among patients using the video-assisted vs. traditional methods. Signa Vitae. 2017. 13(1);28-31.


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