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Current concepts in fluid therapy and non-invasive haemodynamic monitoring


1Clinical Department of anaesthesiology and surgical intensive therapy, University medical centre Ljubljana, Zaloška 2, Ljubljana, Slovenia

DOI: 10.22514/SV131.032017.7 Vol.13,Issue S1,May 2017 pp.53-55

Published: 08 May 2017

*Corresponding Author(s): MARKO ŽLIČAR E-mail:


Advantages of goal directed therapy (GDT) have recently become more and more difficult to prove in the face of newly implemented protocolised patient care approaches that also clearly improve pa-tient outcome. However, individualised approach using GDT has been suggested to be superior to protocolised care and large meta-analyses still consistently show beneficial effects of GDT. Concerns of in-vasiveness were the reason why some pa-tients’ haemodynamics was not measured and in turn were not included in any GDT protocols. Recently, non-invasive devices to measure arterial blood pressure and haemodynamic variables emerged, and al-though they are very appealing and easy to use, they require further validation both by comparison to more invasive methods and by outcome trials.


Haemodynamic monitoring, non-invasive haemodynamic monitoring, goal-directed therapy, fluid therapy, valida-tion

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MARKO ŽLIČAR. Current concepts in fluid therapy and non-invasive haemodynamic monitoring. Signa Vitae. 2017. 13(S1);53-55.


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