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Influence of the adequacy of data collection, during two years, in the management of community acquired pneumonia in emergency departments

  • SAUBÍ N4
  • MIRÓ O2

1Emergency Department, Hospital J Trueta, Girona

2 Emergency Department Servicio de Urgencias Hospital Cínic, Barcelona, IDIBAPS

3 Rheumatology Department, Hospital Universitari Bellvitge, Institut Català de la Salut

4 Department of Infectious Diseases, Hospital Clínic, Barcelona

5 Director of Healthcare, Institut Català de la Salut

DOI: 10.22514/SV132.112017.6 Vol.13,Issue 2,November 2017 pp.41-46

Published: 06 November 2017

*Corresponding Author(s): RIMBAU P E-mail:


Objective. The aim of this study was to analyze whether structured data collec-tion of patients with community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) in the Emergency De-partment (ED) improves compliance with clinical guidelines regarding inpatient and outpatient treatment and prescription of antibiotics at discharge. 

Material and methods. We performed a quasi experimental, multicenter, pre/post-intervention study. The intervention con-sisted of basic training for the participat-ing physicians and the incorporation of a data collection sheet in the clinical history chart, including the information neces-sary for adequate decision making re-garding patient admission and treatment, in the case of discharge. We analyzed the adequacy of the final destination of pa-tients classified as Fine I-II and antibiotic treatment in patients receiving outpatient treatment, with each participating physi-cian including 8 consecutive patients (4 pre-intervention and 4 post-intervention). Results. A total of 738 patients were in-cluded: 378 pre-intervention and 360 post-intervention. In the pre-intervention group, Fine V was more frequent and pa-tients were older, had more ischemic heart disease, active neoplasms and fewer risk factors for atypical pneumonia. Of the patients with Fine I-II, 23.7% were in-adequately admitted and 19.6% of those discharged received treatment not rec-ommended by guidelines. No differences were observed in the target variables be-tween the two groups. Conclusion. The adequacy of the decision to admit patients with Fine I-II CAP and outpatient antibiotic treatment can be im-proved in the ED. Structured data collec-tion does not improve patient outcome. 


community-acquired pneu-monia, emergency department, antibiotic treatment, adequacy of admission 

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RIMBAU P,PERELLÓ R,GOMEZ VAQUERO C,SAUBÍ N,MIRÓ O,JUAN PASTOR A. Influence of the adequacy of data collection, during two years, in the management of community acquired pneumonia in emergency departments. Signa Vitae. 2017. 13(2);41-46.


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