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Development of a standardized in-hospital cardiopulmonary resuscitation set-up


1Department of Emergency Medicine, College of Medicine, Chung-Ang University, Seoul, Republic of Korea

DOI: 10.22514/SV132.112017.7 Vol.13,Issue 2,November 2017 pp.49-53

Published: 06 November 2017

*Corresponding Author(s): JE HYEOK OH E-mail:


Objective. This study evaluated whether chest compression in a standardized in-hospital cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) set-up can be performed as effec-tively as when the rescuer is kneeling be-side the patient lying on the floor. Specifi-cally, the in-hospital test was standardized according to the rescuers’ average knee height.

Methods. Experimental intervention (test 1) was a standardized, in-hospital CPR set-up: first, the bed height was fixed at 70 cm. Second, the height difference between the bed and a step stool was set to the aver-age knee height of the CPR team members (45 cm). Control intervention (test 2) was kneeling on floor. Thirty-eight medical doctors on the CPR team each performed 2 minutes of chest compressions in test 1 and 2 in random order (cross-over trial). A Little Anne was used as a simulated patient who had experienced cardiac arrest. Chest compression parameters, such as average depth and rate, were measured using an ac-celerometer device.

Results. In all tests, the average depths were those recommended in the most recent CPR guidelines (50–60 mm); there were no significant differences between Tests 1 and 2 (53.1 ± 4.3 mm vs. 52.6 ± 4.8 mm, respec-tively; p = 0.398). The average rate in Test 2 (119.1 ± 12.4 numbers/min) was slightly faster than that in Test 1 (116.4 ± 10.2 num-bers/min; p = 0.028). No differences were observed in any other parameters. Conclusions. Chest compression quality in our standardized in-hospital CPR set-up was similar with that performed in a kneel-ing position on the floor.

Trial Registration: Clinical Research Infor-mation Service: KCT0001599


beds, cardiopulmonary resuscita-tion, posture

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TAE SOON PARK,JE HYEOK OH,CHAN WOONG KIM,DONG HOON LEE,JUN YOUNG HONG,SUNG EUN KIM. Development of a standardized in-hospital cardiopulmonary resuscitation set-up. Signa Vitae. 2017. 13(2);49-53.


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