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The significance of sTREM-1 as a diagnostic biomarker of sepsis in the context of Sepsis-3 definition


1Clinic for Infectious Diseases, University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Medicine, Clinical Center of Vojvodina, Novi Sad, Serbia

2 Department of Anesthesia and Reanimation, University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Medicine, Clinical Centre of Vojvodina, Clinical Center of Vojvodina, Emergency Center, Novi Sad, Serbia

3 University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Medicine, Novi Sad, Serbia

4 Department of Ear, Nose and Throat Diseases, University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Medicine, Clinical Centre of Vojvodina, Novi Sad, Serbia

DOI: 10.22514/SV141.042018.11 Vol.14,Issue 1,March 2018 pp.65-70

Published: 27 March 2018

*Corresponding Author(s): DUNJA MIHAJLOVIC E-mail:


Aim. Sepsis remains the leading cause of mortality in spite of advanced diagnostics. The aim of the study was to test the diag-nostic value of soluble triggering receptor expressed on myeloid cells-1 (sTREM-1) in the context of a new definition of sepsis. Methods. The study was conducted on 41 patients who were suspected of having sep-sis according to SIRS (Systemic Inflamma-tory Response Syndrome) criteria or sterile SIRS. 20 healthy volunteer blood donors were the control group (adult patients of both sexes). According to the latest sepsis criteria (Sepsis-3), patients were retrospec-tively divided into three subgroups: septic patients, patients with SIRS plus infection and patients with sterile SIRS (non-infec-tious SIRS). 

All subjects had concentrations of sTREM-1 determined by the ELISA meth-od (Abcam commercial test, Cambridge, MA, USA). Samples were collected upon admission to hospital and kept at -20°C until laboratory analysis was performed. Results. Concentrations of sTREM-1 were significantly increased in patients, com-pared to the healthy population (p=0.021), but there were no significant differences among subgroups of patients (SIRS plus infection vs. sepsis p=0.871, SIRS plus in-fection vs. sterile SIRS p=0.72, sepsis vs. sterile SIRS p=0.65).

The value of 300pg/mL was determined to be the optimal cut-off. Concentrations of sTREM-1 were significantly higher in septic patients who did not develop Multiple Organ Dysfunction Syndrome (MODS) within the first 48 hours after admission than in those who did. 

Conclusion. According to our results, sTREM-1 failed to express significance as a diagnostic biomarker of sepsis, according to the new definition. Also, it seems not to be a valuable marker in differentiation of sepsis and non-infective SIRS. 


 sepsis, sTREM-1, SIRS

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VEDRANA PETRIC,SNEZANA BRKIC,DAJANA LENDAK,DUNJA MIHAJLOVIC,ALEKSANDRA NOVAKOV MIKIC,SNEZANA BRKIC,SLOBODANKA LEMAJIC KOMAZEC. The significance of sTREM-1 as a diagnostic biomarker of sepsis in the context of Sepsis-3 definition. Signa Vitae. 2018. 14(1);65-70.


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