Article Type
Special Issue
Assessment of basic life support skills among medical doctors and technicians in Belgrade emergency medical services
1Belgrade Emergency Medical Services, Serbia
*Corresponding Author(s): SLAĐANA ANĐELIĆ E-mail: novizivot94@gmail.com
Objective. Our aim was to assess BLS (basic life support) skills among medical doctors (MDs) and medical technicians (MTs) who work at Belgrade Emergency Medical Ser-vices (BEMS).
Methods. A prospective study was con-ducted between 28 September and 9 De-cember, 2016. MDs (Group 1) and MTs (Group 2) attended an accredited course in BLS at BEMS. At the end of the course the participants were given a written test consisting of 20 questions (pass rate 65%). The results were analyzed for each group i.e. profession (Group 1 and Group 2) ac-cording to the number of accurate and in-accurate answers to each question. In the end, a number of participants from each group, who answered all 20 questions cor-rectly, were identified. The results obtained, by test analysis, demonstrated the partici-pants’ acquired BLS skills.
Results. The study involved 100 partici-pants (50 in each group). All participants from Group 1 correctly answered questions number 1, 2, 3, 10, 13, 17 and 20. In Group 1 only two participants had three incorrect answers in the test. The largest number of incorrect answers was related to question number 16. Thirty-four participants in this group answered all questions correctly. All participants from Group 2 gave correct an-swers to questions number 2, 5, 9, 10 and 13. In Group 2, one participant had six in-correct answers and one participant had 5 incorrect answers. The largest number of incorrect answers was related to questions number 3 and 20. Nineteen participants from Group 2 answered all questions cor-rectly. The rate of correct answers between Group 1 and Group 2 was 19.66 : 18.91 (0.75 difference).Conclusion. The research showed a satis-factory level of knowledge in both groups. However, there is a statistically significant difference in the knowledge of MDs after the BLS course. The results obtained justify the ambitions that all healthcare profes-sionals, regardless of their qualifications, should be trained in applying BLS, both at work and as eyewitnesses.
basic life support, knowledge/skills, doctors, medical technicians, emer-gency service
GORAN ČOLAKOVIĆ,SLAĐANA ANĐELIĆ,IVANA STEFANOVIĆ,SNEŽANA BOGUNOVIĆ,NADA EMIŠ-VANDLIK,SRĐAN STOJANOVIĆ. Assessment of basic life support skills among medical doctors and technicians in Belgrade emergency medical services. Signa Vitae. 2018. 14(1);38-42.
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