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The additional ımpact of simulation based medical training to traditional medical training alone in advanced cardiac life support: a scenario based evaluation


1Department of Emergency Medicine, Marmara University Pendik Education and Research Hospital, Istanbul, Turkey

2 Department of Emergency Medicine, Umraniye Training and Research Hospital, Istanbul, Turkey

DOI: 10.22514/SV142.102018.10 Vol.14,Issue 2,November 2018 pp.68-72

Published: 02 November 2018

*Corresponding Author(s): ERKMAN SANRI E-mail:


Objectives. The principal aim of medical education is to provide medical student with the fundamental knowledge and re-quired skills that can be specifically used in real-life conditions such as high-quality cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). Traditional medical training (TMT) is an effective method in Advanced cardiac life support (ACLS) training. Simulation-based medical training (SBMT), with the advancements in technology, is a relatively new, but a preferred ACLS training method since it implements a safe educational en-vironment. We planned a scenario-based study to evaluate the additional impact of SBMT to TMT alone in ACLS training. Methods. This before-after type, com-parative, cohort study was performed in a simulation center. One hundred thirty-six 6th grade medical students who took ACLS training with TMT on their emer-gency medicine clerkship were enrolled in 34 teams. All students managed a specific ACLS scenario before and after SBMT with a high-fidelity manikin. All data regarding chest compression, airway management, defibrillation and drug administration were recorded by the sensors of the high-fidelity manikin.

Results. Median age was 23 and 51.5% were male. After SBMT, we found significant increases in the successful CPR cycle rate and successful scenario completion rate (60.3%; 61.8%, respectively). Median time to chest compression (Tcc) and defibrillation (Tdef) were significantly decreased after SBMT (1 sec., 1 sec., respectively). For the adequacy of chest compressions, compression depth, recoil, and frequency are all significantly increased after SBMT, 7.0 mm, 6.0 mm and 8.5/min, respectively. Conclusion. SBMT in combination with TMT is a promising ACLS training meth-od when compared to TMT alone.


simulation-based medical train-ing, traditional medical training, high-fidel-ity manikin, CPR, ACLS

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ERKMAN SANRI,SINAN KARACABEY,SERKAN EMRE EROGLU,HALDUN AKOGLU,ARZU DENIZBASI. The additional ımpact of simulation based medical training to traditional medical training alone in advanced cardiac life support: a scenario based evaluation. Signa Vitae. 2018. 14(2);68-72.


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