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Assessment of the implementation of step-by-step adult basic life support sequence by emergency medical technicians and drivers during regular annual training


1Emergency Medical Services, Belgrade, Serbia

2University of Belgrade, Faculty of Organizational Sciences, Belgrade, Serbia

DOI: 10.22514/SV151.042019.1 Vol.15,Issue 1,April 2019 pp.14-21

Published: 23 April 2019

*Corresponding Author(s): SLADJANA ANDJELIĆ E-mail:


Objective. Evaluation of the efficiency of practicing step-by-step (SBS) BLS/AED (basic life support/automatic external defi-brillator) sequence by emergency medical technicians (EMT) and ambulance drivers (AD) working in medical transport teams. Methods. A prospective two-month study was conducted in which EMTs and ADs working in medical transport teams per-formed their regular 4-hour annual train-ing (1 h of lectures, 1.5 h of practical train-ing and 1.5 h of testing). Each participant performed SBS of BLS/AED sequences in front of a three-member team of instruc-tors. The implementation of BLS/AED se-quence was evaluated by scoring from 0 to 2 (0 – not, 1 – partially, 2 – properly), sepa-rately for EMTs, ADs and in total. The final analysis compared a properly implement-ed SBS sequence (S1-S36) of actions: IA - initial assessment (S1-S10), BLS (S11-S18), AED (S19-S25), RP - recovery position (S26-S32) and FBAO - foreign body airway obstruction (S33-S36) for use by the BLS/AED between EMTs and ADs. The crite-rion for a completed regular training was at least 47 (65.0%) of the total number of points won for properly implemented pro-cedures.

Results. The study involved 31 EMTs and 63 Ads, regardless of gender and average age, with EMTs having slightly longer work experience (p>0.05). The results of our study show that EMTs are more skilled at IA, cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and AED, whereas ADs were better at im-plementing RP and performing the Heim-lich maneuver (p<0.001).

Conclusion. Although EMTs and ADs implement SBS BLS/AED procedures correctly and satisfactorily in more than 65.0%, future research should focus on finding more efficient, shorter and cheaper BLS/AED trainings.


basic life support, step-by-step, sequence, emergency medical technicians, ambulance drivers

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SLADJANA ANDJELIĆ,ZORAN RADOJICIC,SRDJAN STOJANOVIC,VLADA TAMBURKOVSKI. Assessment of the implementation of step-by-step adult basic life support sequence by emergency medical technicians and drivers during regular annual training. Signa Vitae. 2019. 15(1);14-21.


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