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Role of Redcell Distribution Weight in Predicting Disease Severity, Mortality and Complication in Patients With Acute Pancreatitis


1Izmir Katip Çelebi University Atatürk Research and Training Hospital Emergency Department, Izmir/TURKEY

2 Izmir Katip Celebi University Atatürk Research and Training Hospital Gastroenterology Department, Izmir/TURKEY

3 Ankara Baskent University Hospital Emergency Department, Ankara/TURKEY

DOI: 10.22514/SV151.042019.9 Vol.15,Issue 1,April 2019 pp.62-66

Published: 23 April 2019

*Corresponding Author(s): TAHTACI KARAALİ REZAN E-mail:


The goal of the present study was to in-vestigate the significance of the Red Cell Distribution Width (RDW) in identifying the severity, mortality and complications of the disease at an early stage in patients with acute pancreatitis (AP).

343 patients with AP presented to the emergency department during one year were included in this retrospective study. Demographic, laboratory and imaging re-sults were recorded. Bedside Index for Se-verity in AP (BISAP) score was calculated. The patients who developed pancreatitis-related mortality were recorded.

The diagnostic powers of RDW values in the diagnosis of BISAP Score (≥3), exitus, severe pancreatitis and pancreatitis with complication were analysed by means of Receiver Operating Characteristic Curve (ROC) analysis. p<0,05 was considered statistically significant.

The mean age of the subjects was 59,7 ± 18,0 years. Area under curve (AUC) in ROC analysis conducted for RDW in patients with BISAP score≥ 3 was 0,649 (95% Cl 0,576-0,722) and p <0,001. For developed complications, AUC for RDW was 0,558 (95% Cl 0,454-0,662) and p was 0,243. For RDW<14,4 cut-off value; the sensitivity was 66,25%, specificity was 71,48% in the prediction of BISAP≥ 3, sen-sitivity was 87,5%, specificity was 65,14% in the prediction of mortality, sensitivity was 72,73%, specificity was 71,12% in the prediction of severe AP.

RDW is as significant as the BISAP score in predicting the severity and mortal-ity of pancreatitis in the patients with acute pancreatitis in the emergency department(ED). But it cannot predict the complications in AP.


Emergency, acute pancreatitis, mor-tality, severity, complications, redcell distribution weight.

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TAHTACI KARAALİ REZAN,TOPAL FIRDEVS,KARAKAYA ZEYNEP,PAYZA UMUT,KAVALCI CEMIL,TOPAL FATIH ESAD. Role of Redcell Distribution Weight in Predicting Disease Severity, Mortality and Complication in Patients With Acute Pancreatitis. Signa Vitae. 2019. 15(1);62-66.


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