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The Importance of Bedside Ultrasonography in Confirming the Location of Endotracheal Tube


1Dr., Çukurova Üniversity, Pediatrics, Emergency Care Unit, Balcali Hospital, Adana-Turkey

2 Professor, Çukurova Üniversity, Pediatrics, Emergency Care Unit, Balcali Hospital, Adana-Turkey

3 Dr., Çukurova Üniversity, Pediatrics, Emergency Care Unit, Balcali Hospital, Adana-Turkey

4 Dr., Çukurova Üniversity, Pediatrics, Intensive Care Unit, Balcali Hospital, Adana-Turkey

5 Professor, Çukurova Üniversity, Pediatrics, Intensive Care Unit, Balcali Hospital, Adana-Turkey

DOI: 10.22514/SV152.092019.4 Vol.15,Issue 2,September 2019 pp.30-33

Published: 20 September 2019

*Corresponding Author(s): OZLEM TOLU KENDIR E-mail:


Objective. Endotracheal intubation may be associated with lethal complications when not applied in appropriate manner. In this study, we aimed to examine the efficiency of transcricoid and pulmonary ultrasonog-raphy in confirming the position of the tube in comparison with classical methods. Methods. This study was carried out be-tween 2016 and 2017 in Turkey and was registered in Clinical Trials under number NCT03081221. The location of the tube was confirmed using methods such as monitor-ing the vocal cords during direct laryngo-scopy, condensation on endotracheal tube during respiration, epigastric-pulmonary auscultation, radiography and capnometry. After that, the transcricoid and pulmonary ultrasonography were implemented by the blinded pediatric emergency care special-ist. 

Results. 64 cases who needed advanced airway requirements were involved in this study. The double-line appearance could not be obtained from one patient only when using transcricoid ultrasonography, but the bilateral pleural shift movement was observed among all the cases by us-ing pulmonary ultrasonography (sensitive: 98%-100%). 

Conclusion. The determination of endoe-sophageal, endotracheal and endobronchi-al intubations can be easily made by using transcricoid and pulmonary ultrasonog-raphy. The use of ultrasonography may significantly contribute to critical airway management as fast, accurate and on time. 


Endobronchial intubation, En-dotracheal intubation, Ultrasonography

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OZLEM TOLU KENDIR,HAYRI LEVENT YILMAZ,SEVCAN BILEN,SINEM SARI GOKAY,İLKNUR TOLUNAY,AHMET KAGAN OZKAYA,RIZA DINCER YILDIZDAS. The Importance of Bedside Ultrasonography in Confirming the Location of Endotracheal Tube. Signa Vitae. 2019. 15(2);30-33.


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