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Case Report

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Safety in the neonatal and infant transport system: report on three cases with evidence-based comments on safety during transportation


1University Medical Center Ljubljana Surgical Service Department of Pediatric Surgery and Intensive Therapy Medical Faculty, University of Ljubljana

DOI: 10.22514/SV91.042014.14 Vol.9,Issue 1,April 2014 pp.66-72

Published: 30 April 2014

*Corresponding Author(s): STEFAN GROSEK E-mail:


Infant transport has been carried out in Slovenia since 1976. Applying the principles of safe transport was essential to avoid unexpected exposure of critically ill infants to unnecessary and adverse events. Besides organizational and technical prerequisites for safe transportation, evidence-based clinical knowledge and practical competence are of utmost impor-tance. Furthermore, the ongoing possibility of consulting other colleagues during transportation, choose the optimal form of retrieval of very sick infants, is sometimes needed and preferred. Three different cases are presented here where skilled medical teams decided how to transport critically ill infants, and at what risks and costs. All three transports were succe-ssfully completed with good outcomes despite difficult clinical conditions prior to and during retrieval.


safety, neonatal tran-sport, pneumothorax, prostaglandin infusion, extracorporeal membrane oxygenation

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STEFAN GROSEK. Safety in the neonatal and infant transport system: report on three cases with evidence-based comments on safety during transportation. Signa Vitae. 2014. 9(1);66-72.


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