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Case Report

Open Access

Stab wound leading to sub lingual haematoma


1,The Royal London Hospital

DOI: 10.22514/SV92.112014.9 Vol.9,Issue 2,November 2014 pp.58-60

Published: 03 November 2014

*Corresponding Author(s): CRAIG MILLER E-mail:


We report a case of a sublingual haematoma and proptosis of the right eye as a result of penetrative injury to the suprazy-gomatic supratemporal fossa. The case was seen in the accident and emergency department at the Royal London Hospital (RLH). The case was referred to the anaesthetic and oral and maxillofacial unit, following neurosurgery and ophthalmology assessments.

The case highlights the need for a multi disciplinary approach to dealing with penetrative wounds in the craniofacial region. It is essential that all healthcare professionals have excellent working knowledge of the anatomy of the orbit and its asso-ciation with anatomical planes in the head and neck. (1) When diagnosing orbital compartment syndrome (also known as retrobulbar haemorrhage), radiographic findings should always be correlated to clinical signs and symptoms. Management of such a condition should be tailored to the individual. In this case medical management alone of 80mg of dexamethasone and 500mg of Mannitol was appropriate to enable a full recovery.


haematoma, airway obstruction, preoperative procedure, retrobulbar haemorrhage, floor of mouth

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CRAIG MILLER,MATHEW KEENAN,HELEN DREWERY,NAYEEM ALI. Stab wound leading to sub lingual haematoma. Signa Vitae. 2014. 9(2);58-60.


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