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A comparison of the effectiveness of intubation using a McGrath Series 5 videolaryngoscope with either a Truflex articulating stylet or a standard intubation stylet in a group of medical students


1Department of Emergency Medicine and Disaster Medicine, Medical University of Lodz

2,Barlicki University Hospital

DOI: 10.22514/SV101.042015.14 Vol.10,Issue 1,April 2015 pp.127-135

Published: 30 April 2015

*Corresponding Author(s): TOMASZ GASZYŃSKI E-mail:


Background. Intubation is the optimal method for opening the airway and effective ventilation of the patient. However, there are occasional problems with intubation, especially in patients with injuries under pre-hospital conditions. Therefore, it is important to identify devices, e.g., videolaryngoscopes or guides, which may facilitate and shorten the procedure. This study addresses the use of a Truflex articulated guide with a videolaryngoscope.

Objectives. The main objective of the study is to evaluate the effectiveness of intubation using a Truflex articulating stylet with a McGrath videolaryngoscope, and to determine whether the average time of intubation using a Truflex articulating stylet is shorter than that using a standard intubation stylet.

Materials and methods. The study involved 43 full-time 5th year medical students. All tests were performed on training manikins with a difficult airway in January 2013. Chi-square test was used for statistical analysis with a significance level of p< 0.01. Calculations were performed using the Statistica package.

Results. Intubation using a McGrath videolaryngoscope with a Truflex articulating stylet was more effective than that using a standard intubation stylet with the same laryngoscope: 71% as compared to 40%. The mean time of successful intubation using a Truflex articulating stylet was shorter than that using a standard intubation stylet guide (31.1 ± 12.8 s and 39.8 ± 12.4 s, respectively).

Conclusions. The mean time of tracheal intubation using a Truflex articulating stylet is shorter than that using a standard intubation stylet. Intubation is also more effective when a Truflex articulating stylet is used together with a McGrath videolaryngoscope.


Truflex articulating stylet, Truflex, intubation, McGrath

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MARCIN CIERNIAK,MARCIN NOWAKOWSKI,DARIUSZ TIMLER,TOMASZ GASZYŃSKI. A comparison of the effectiveness of intubation using a McGrath Series 5 videolaryngoscope with either a Truflex articulating stylet or a standard intubation stylet in a group of medical students. Signa Vitae. 2015. 10(1);127-135.


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