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An overview of thrombolytic therapy for pulmonary embolism: a single centre experience


1Clinic of Internal Medicine, University Hospital Sveti Duh

DOI: 10.22514/SV101.062015.20 Vol.10,Issue S1,June 2015 pp.68-71

Published: 22 June 2015

*Corresponding Author(s): NIKOLINA MARIĆ E-mail:


Pulmonary embolism (PE) is considered to be a major cause of mortality, morbidity and hospitalization in Europe. Haemody-namic benefits of thrombolysis in patients with shock and hypotension are undeni-able, but the role of thrombolytic therapy on the outcome of haemodynamically sta-ble patients still remains controversial. This is a retrospective analysis of patients with acute PE treated with thrombolytic therapy in medical intensive care unit (ICU), University Hospital Sveti Duh, be-tween March 2014 and April 2015 . Twenty two of 75 (29%) patients with PE received thrombolytic therapy. The mean age of patients was 63 years, 45% were male and 55% female. The major symp-toms were: dyspnea (73%), chest pain (18%) and syncope (9%). 27% of patients receiving thrombolytic therapy were haemodynamically unstable and 73% were stable. All patients had an extensive clot burden on computed tomographic pul-monary angiography (CTPA). All haemo-dynamically stable patients had echocar-diographic signs of right ventricular (RV) dysfunction. Troponin I was positive in all haemodynamically unstable patients and in 50% of haemodynamically stable pa-tients. Only one (5%) haemodynamically unstable patient died but not because of PE or therapy complication. All other patients survived and recovered completely. Two patients (9%) had major non-intracranial bleeding complications, which were suc-cessfully treated with supportive therapy.


pulmonary embolism, thrombo-lytic therapy, right ventricular dysfunction, bleeding

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NIKOLINA MARIĆ,MAJA MAČKOVIĆ,NIKOLA UDILJAK,DINKO BEKIĆ. An overview of thrombolytic therapy for pulmonary embolism: a single centre experience. Signa Vitae. 2015. 10(S1);68-71.


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