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Case Report

Open Access

Laboratory utilization in the emergency department – are the requested tests patient-oriented?


1Department of Laboratory Diagnostics, University Hospital Centre Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia

DOI: 10.22514/SV101.062015.25 Vol.10,Issue S1,June 2015 pp.81-83

Published: 22 June 2015

*Corresponding Author(s): IVANA LAPIĆ E-mail:


Emergency laboratory services are essen-tial for the efficient management of criti-cally ill patients admitted to the emergency department. Characterised by their high priority of processing, analysing and re-porting, they serve as a discriminating tool in the triage of medical emergencies, rath-er than as a diagnostic tool. Optimal and adequate utilisation of laboratory testing greatly contributes to the overall quality and efficiency of laboratory services. From our experience gained through monitor-ing the ordering habits among physicians at the Emergency Medical Service of the University Hospital Centre Zagreb, non-selective overuse of laboratory tests oc-curs in practice. The most commonly used laboratory tests are often ordered together and at a negligible variation between phy-sicians, regardless of a widely varied pa-tient population. Patient-oriented labora-tory diagnostics can be achieved through limiting the availability of test ordering, an application of test panels based on relevant guidelines and protocols and upkeep of continuous close interaction between cli-nicians and laboratory experts. 


emergency laboratory tests, lab-oratory utilization

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IVANA LAPIĆ,DUNJA ROGIĆ. Laboratory utilization in the emergency department – are the requested tests patient-oriented?. Signa Vitae. 2015. 10(S1);81-83.


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