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Intraabdominal hypertension and abdominal compartment syndrome in the intensive care unit


1,Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care Unit University Hospital Center Zagreb

DOI: 10.22514/SV11.102006.2 Vol.1,Issue 1,October 2006 pp.13-15

Published: 08 October 2006

*Corresponding Author(s): DANIELA BANDIĆ PAVLOVIĆ E-mail:


Intraabdominal hypertension can induce a significant dysfunction of cardiovascular, respiratory, renal, and gastrointestinal and central nervous systems. Recently, a prospective multicenter epidemiological study concluded that the intraabdominal hypertension observed in intensive care units was associated with an increased risk of mortality in critically ill patients. In this review, we summarize current literature data concerning definitions and measurement of intraabdominal pressure and discuss the importance of intraabdominal hypertension in critically ill patients. We conclude that intraabdominal pressure should be taken into consideration along with other standard pressure measurements in critically ill patients.   


intraabdominal pressure, intraabdominal hypertension, abdominal compartment syndrome Introduction  

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DANIELA BANDIĆ PAVLOVIĆ,VIŠNJA MAJERIĆ KOGLER. Intraabdominal hypertension and abdominal compartment syndrome in the intensive care unit. Signa Vitae. 2006. 1(1);13-15.


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