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CRIB II score versus gestational age and birth weight in preterm infant mortality prediction: who will win the bet?


1Department of Paediatrics, General Hospital Pula, Pula, Croatia

2Department of Paediatrics, University of Rijeka, Rijeka, Croatia

3Institute of Neonatology, Department of Gynaecology and Obstetrics, University Hospital Rijeka, Rijeka, Croatia

DOI: 10.22514/SV111.052016.12 Vol.11,Issue 1,May 2016 pp.172-181

Published: 02 May 2016

*Corresponding Author(s): NADA SINDIČIĆ DESSARDO E-mail:


Introduction. In neonatology, various illness severity scores have been developed to predict mortality and morbidity risk in neonates. The aim of our study was to validate the ability of the ‘Clinical Risk Index for Babies’ (CRIB) II score to predict mortality in neonates born before 32 weeks’ gestation in a level 3 neonatal intensive care unit (NICU), setting.

Materials and Methods. Prospective birth cohort study including all live-born neonates of 32 weeks’ gestation or less. . CRIB II score was calculated and the predicted mortality was compared with the observed mortality. Discrimination (the ability of the score to correctly predict survival or death) was assessed by calculating the receiver operating characteristic curve (ROC curve) and its associated area under the curve (AUC).

Results. The ROC curve analysis in our study showed that the AUC was 0.9008 suggesting that mortality prediction was 90% accurate for all infants. Sensitivity and specificity were 77% and 88% respectively. In our study population, the CRIB II score appears to be more accurate than gestational age and birth weight in predicting mortality.

Conclusions. The CRIB II scoring system is a useful tool for predicting mortality and morbidity in NICUs, and also a useful tool for evaluating the variations in mortality and other outcomes seen between different NICUs.


CRIB, CRIB II, mortality, neonates, outcome, prematurity, scoring system

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MLADEN JAŠIĆ,NADA SINDIČIĆ DESSARDO,SANDRO DESSARDO,KORALJKA MANESTAR RUKAVINA. CRIB II score versus gestational age and birth weight in preterm infant mortality prediction: who will win the bet?. Signa Vitae. 2016. 11(1);172-181.


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