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History of professional education on podiatry emergencies and disasters: a Spanish point of view


1,Departamento de Ciencias da Saúde Universidade da Coruña Unidade de Investigación Saúde e Podoloxía Campus Universitario de Esteiro s/n

DOI: 10.22514/SV111.052016.2 Vol.11,Issue 1,May 2016 pp.25-32

Published: 02 May 2016

*Corresponding Author(s): DANIEL LÓPEZ LÓPEZ E-mail:


Mainstreaming between podiatry practice and podiatry studies is needed. Podiatry practice evolution in Spain has allowed this medical discipline to obtain its own academic, institutional and legislative framework to increase and improve professional decisions in the podiatric medical practice. For that reason, there is a great interest and relevancy on emergencies and urgencies education in podiatry clinical and welfare activity. It is an essential component, the different and inherent risk conditions of welfare activity require to give an immediate, accurate and sure response that protects people life. Podiatry faculties could and should establish joint actions that integrate on an effective way the complexity and multiplicity of vital situations that the podiatric activity involves, as well as to establish strategic plans in the activity of professional podiatrists that come together in an improvement of graduates.


education, Emergency medicine, podiatry, disasters

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DANIEL LÓPEZ LÓPEZ,ROSA MARY DE LA CAMPA PORTELA,MARTA ELENA LOSA IGLESIAS,MATILDE GARCÍA SÁNCHEZ,JOSÉ RAMOS GALVÁN,CARLOS AGRASAR CRUZ,RICARDO BECERRO DE BENGOA VALLEJO. History of professional education on podiatry emergencies and disasters: a Spanish point of view. Signa Vitae. 2016. 11(1);25-32.


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