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Treatment with erythropoietin in neonatology


1Clinical department of Paediatrics, Maribor University Medical Centre, Maribor, Slovenia

2Clinical department of Gynaecology and Perinatology, Maribor University Medical Centre,Maribor, Slovenia

DOI: 10.22514/SV112.062016.13 Vol.11,Issue S2,June 2016 pp.61-65

Published: 14 June 2016

*Corresponding Author(s): MIKSIĆ MIRJANA E-mail:


The article presents the basics and con-trol of erythropoiesis in the fetus and the newborn, the development of anaemia of prematurity and its treatment, with an em-phasis on the use of human recombinant erythropoietin. The Intensive Care Unit of the Paediatric Clinic Maribor began treat-ing anaemia of prematurity with eryth-ropoietin in 2000. After introducing the treatment, the clinic found that the num-ber of blood product transfusions and the needed blood volume decreased. In addi-tion to erythropoietin, this was the result of stricter criteria for applying transfusion of concentrated erythrocytes.


preterm infant, anaemia of pre-maturity, erythropoietin, transfusion

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MIKSIĆ MIRJANA,DUKIĆ VUKOVIĆ TANJA,POGOREVC ROBERT,TREIBER MILENA. Treatment with erythropoietin in neonatology. Signa Vitae. 2016. 11(S2);61-65.


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