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Do we need additional laboratory markers of ACS?


1University Hospital Centre Zagreb, Department of Laboratory Diagnostics, Zagreb, Croatia

DOI: 10.22514/SV112.062016.16 Vol.11,Issue S2,June 2016 pp.73-76

Published: 14 June 2016

*Corresponding Author(s): IVANA RAKO E-mail:


Biochemical markers are playing an im-portant role in the diagnosis of acute coro-nary syndrome (ACS). Due to their high sensitivity and absolute specificity for my-ocardial damage, cardiac troponins repre-sent the most widely used biomarkers for the diagnosis of ACS. Recently, a number of novel biomarkers have been evaluated as alternative markers that would bring add-ed value to the measurement of troponins. This manuscript gives an overview of the most commonly investigated markers in this field.


acute coronary syndrome, high sensitive troponin, copeptin

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IVANA RAKO. Do we need additional laboratory markers of ACS?. Signa Vitae. 2016. 11(S2);73-76.


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