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Which parameters of ventricular function should be evaluated in the intensive care unit?


1Royal Brompton Hospital, London, United Kingdom

DOI: 10.22514/SV112.062016.18 Vol.11,Issue S2,June 2016 pp.80-83

Published: 14 June 2016

*Corresponding Author(s): SUSANNA PRICEĆ E-mail:


Echocardiography is one of the most pow-erful diagnostic and monitoring tools available to the modern intensivist, pro-viding the means to diagnose cardiac dys-function, its underlying cause and suggest therapeutic interventions. Although seem-ingly simple, meaningful and clinically relevant evaluation of ventricular func-tion is challenging, and standard measures frequently unhelpful. Although at present the widespread application of physiologi-cal echocardiography and advanced echo-cardiographic techniques within intensive care remains disappointingly limited, the huge potential for collaborative research between cardiologists and intensivists within this field is evident.


echocardiographic assessment, cardiac function, intensive care unit

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SUSANNA PRICEĆ. Which parameters of ventricular function should be evaluated in the intensive care unit?. Signa Vitae. 2016. 11(S2);80-83.


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