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Fluid therapy and acute kidney injury: a question of balance?


1Surrey Perioperative Anaesthesia & Critical Care Collaborative Research Group (SPACeR) School of Health Sciences, Faculty of Health & Medical Sciences, University of Surrey, Guildford United Kingdom

DOI: 10.22514/SV112.062016.2 Vol.11,Issue S2,June 2016 pp.17-21

Published: 14 June 2016

*Corresponding Author(s): LUI G FORNI E-mail:


Fluid therapy remains one of the funda-mental treatment options available for pa-tients with acute kidney injury. However, there remains debate over several aspects of this treatment with many questions unanswered. Firstly, how do we prescribe fluid in this group of patients? Secondly, what is the role of fluid therapy in patients with or at risk of developing acute kidney injury and thirdly, what role does fluid balance play, if any, in the development of acute kidney injury. The following narra-tive review will attempt to tie some of the aspects of the treatment of this devastat-ing syndrome together and formulate an overall hypothesis for fluid management in acute kidney injury.


Acute kidney injury, glomerular filtration rate, fluid overload 

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LUI G FORNI. Fluid therapy and acute kidney injury: a question of balance?. Signa Vitae. 2016. 11(S2);17-21.


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