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Does magnesium sulfate affect the incidence of respiratory complications in children undergoing esophageal dilatation? An observational pilot study


1 Department of Anesthesiology, Istanbul Faculty of Medicine, Istanbul University

2 Department of Pediatric Surgery, Istanbul Faculty of Medicine, Istanbul University

DOI: 10.22514/SV121.102016.15 Vol.12,Issue S1,October 2016 pp.91-95

Published: 10 October 2016

*Corresponding Author(s): MELTEM SAVRAN-KARADENIZ1 E-mail:


Background. In this pilot observational study, we aimed to investigate the effect of preoperative magnesium infusion on laryngospasm frequency and other res-piratory complications in children with respiratory findings undergoing esopha-geal dilatation after the ingestion of caustic substances.

Methods. Sixty children between the ages of 2 and 12 scheduled for esophageal dilatation were divided into two groups: the magnesium group (Group M), which consisted of children with respiratory symptoms and who received IV 30 mg/kg magnesium sulfate preoperatively, and the control group (Group C), who received the same volume of saline. Anesthesia was induced with fentanyl, propofol, and miva-curium and maintained using a 60% N2O and 2-3% sevoflurane mixture in oxygen. Demographic and hemodynamic data, as well as the incidence of respiratory com-plications (laryngospasm, bronchospasm, apnea, cough, and desaturation) during the perioperative period were recorded until the time of discharge from the recov-ery room.

Results. Demographic data and hemody-namics were similar in the two groups. The laryngospasm, bronchospasm, apnea, and cough incidences were also similar between the groups, although the desatu-ration incidence was lower in Group M than in Group C (p=0.013). The number of complications in total was lower in Group M as well (p=0.008), although the number of children who experienced complica-tions in each group was similar.

Conclusion. Prophylactic administration of 30 mg/kg of magnesium to children with respiratory symptoms may decrease the frequency of postoperative respiratory complications in children undergoing es-ophageal dilatation.


corrosive stricture, magnesium sulfate, general anesthesia, complication, respiratory tract

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MELTEM SAVRAN-KARADENIZ1,BAHADIR HAKAN OGUZ,MUKADDER ORHAN-SUNGUR,BASAK ERGINEL,FERYAL GUN-SOYSAL,MEHMET TUGRUL,TULAY OZKAN-SEYHAN. Does magnesium sulfate affect the incidence of respiratory complications in children undergoing esophageal dilatation? An observational pilot study. Signa Vitae. 2016. 12(S1);91-95.


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