Article Type
Special Issue
Clonidine for neonatal abstinence syndrome: a single neonatology department’s experience
1Division of Paediatrics, Department of Neonatology, University Medical Centre of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia
2Institute of Pharmacology and Experimental Toxicology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia
*Corresponding Author(s): DARJA PARO-PANJAN E-mail: darja.paro@gmail.com
Clonidine has been shown effective in reducing sympathetic hyperactivity in neonatal abstinence syndrome (NAS). The aim of this study was to analyze clinical and laboratory characteristics of a group of newborns treated with clonidine for NAS due to maternal drug addiction and due to withdrawal from opioid analgesic therapy. Only one full–term newborn presented with metabolic acidosis and hyperkalemia; in others no clinical or laboratory adverse effects were detected. This report empha-sizes the importance of alertness to poten-tial adverse effects of clonidine therapy, and discusses possible pathophysiological aspects of hyperkalemia and metabolic aci-dosis during treatment for NAS.
newborn, sympathetic hyperac-tivity, metabolic acidosis, hyperkalemia
PETJA FISTER,MOJCA KRZAN,DARJA PARO-PANJAN. Clonidine for neonatal abstinence syndrome: a single neonatology department’s experience. Signa Vitae. 2016. 12(S1);116-118.
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