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Nursing and Implementation of Modern Technology


1Undergraduate Nursing Students, University of Applied Health Sciences, Zagreb, Croatia

2Department of Nursing, University of Applied Health Sciences, Zagreb, Croatia

3University Hospital of Zagreb, Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Medicine, Zagreb, Croatia

DOI: 10.22514/SV121.102016.3 Vol.12,Issue S1,October 2016 pp.23-27

Published: 10 October 2016

*Corresponding Author(s): ADRIANO FRIGANOVIĆ E-mail:


Introduction. Implementation of technol-ogy in health care has become a global trend. The society modernization has led to the increasing development of technol-ogy and information systems. Nurses in everyday work encounter with the applica-tion of communications and information technologies. The implementation of mod-ern technology in nursing increases nurses efficiency, but it is also changing the way of care for patients. Implementation of mod-ern technology in nursing is the result of interactions between technical skills, cul-ture and social acceptance in the working environment.

Aim. The aim of this article was to inves-tigate the application of modern technol-ogy in nursing and how it affects the nurs-ing profession, what competencies are required for the introduction of technol-ogy and the role of nurses in the process.

Materials and methods. PubMed database, OJIN base (Online Journal of Issues in Nursing), HCA (Hospital Corporation of America) were searched with the aim of finding appropriate studies and articles. Keywords which were used: nursing, mod-ern technology, nursing challenges, educa-tion.

Conclusion. Modern technology in the nursing profession is in its infancy, a lot of factors are contributing to slower de-velopment such as high cost, a shortage of nurses and training of medical staff to work with the new technology.

Results. During a search of the databases, we found seven articles of which accord-ing to the inclusion criteria for this study we used three. Data from the literature that was used showed that the application of modern technology in nursing is still in the initial process of adaptation.


nursing, modern technology, nursing challenges, education

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KATARINA JELEČ,SABINA SUKALIĆ,ADRIANO FRIGANOVIĆ. Nursing and Implementation of Modern Technology. Signa Vitae. 2016. 12(S1);23-27.


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