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Influence of rescuer strength and shift cycle time on chest compression quality


1Department of Emergency Medicine, Inje University Ilsan Paik Hospital, Gyeonggido, Korea

2 Department of Emergency Medicine, Yonsei University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea

DOI: 10.22514/SV131.052017.29 Vol.13,Issue 1,March 2017 pp.70-74

Published: 20 March 2017

*Corresponding Author(s): SUNG PHIL CHUNG E-mail:


Introduction. Previous studies have sug-gested that differences in rescuer strength and compression shift cycle are strongly associated with the quality of chest com-pression. We hypothesised that changing the shift cycle from two minutes to one would have a positive effect on the qual-ity of chest compression in two-rescuer cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), re-gardless of rescuer strength.

Methods.Thirty-nine senior medical stu-dents participated in this prospective, simulation-based, crossover study. Af-ter evaluation of muscle strength using a handgrip dynamometer, each participant was required to perform two sets of com-pressions separated by a 15-minute rest. Participants started with either four cycles of chest compressions for one minute fol-lowed by a one-minute rest (1-MCS), or with two cycles of chest compressions for two minutes followed by a two-minute rest (2-MCS). After a 15-minute break, participants switched groups and per-formed the other set of compressions. Mean compression depth (MCD), mean adequate compression (MAC), and ade-quate compression ratio (ACR) per minute were measured for each group. Subjective fatigue was reported after the completion of each set of compression cycles. Results. Rescuer strength was strongly correlated with MCD (p <0.01), MAC ratio (p <0.01), and ACR (p <0.01), and cycle group was correlated with MCD (p <0.01) and ACR (p =0.03). Subjective fatigue with 1-MCS was lower than with 2-MCS, regardless of rescuer strength.

Conclusion. We found that the quality of chest compressions could be improved by changing the shift cycle from two min-utes to one, regardless of rescuer strength. Therefore, reducing the existing shift cycle recommended in guidelines for two rescu-ers could be beneficial.


CPR, fatigue, hand strength

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HYUNJONG KIM,JE SUNG YOU,SUNG PHIL CHUNG. Influence of rescuer strength and shift cycle time on chest compression quality. Signa Vitae. 2017. 13(1);70-74.


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