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The burden of Candida species colonization in NICU patients: a colonization surveillance study

  • VIRGA A1

1Department of Sciences for Health Promotion and Maternal-Infant Care “G. D’Alessandro,” Hygiene Section University of Palermo

DOI: 10.22514/SV132.112017.10 Vol.13,Issue 2,November 2017 pp.71-75

Published: 06 November 2017

*Corresponding Author(s): GERACI DM E-mail:


Fungal infections are an important cause of morbidity and mortality in neonatal intensive care units (NICUs). The identifi-cation of specific risk factors supports pre-vention of candidemia in neonates. Effec-tive prophylactic strategies have recently become available, but the identification and adequate management of high-risk in-fants is still a priority. Prior colonization is a key risk factor for candidemia. For this reason, surveillance studies to monitor in-cidence, species distribution, and antifun-gal susceptibility profiles, are mandatory. Among 520 infants admitted to our NICU between January 2013 and December 2014, 472 (90.77%) were included in the study. Forty-eight out of 472 (10.17%) pa-tients tested positive for Candida spp. (C.), at least on one occasion. All the colonized patients tested positive for the rectal swab, whereas 7 patients also tested positive for the nasal swab. Fifteen out of 472 patients (3.18%) had more than one positive rec-tal or nasal swab during their NICU stay. Moreover, 9 out of 15 patients tested nega-tive at the first sampling, suggesting they acquired Candida spp. during their stay. Twenty-five of forty-eight (52.1%) colo-nized patients carried C.albicans and 15/48 (31.25%) C.parapsilosis. We identified as risk factors for Candida spp. colonization: antibiotic therapy, parenteral nutrition, the use of a central venous catheter, and nasogastric tube. Our experience suggests that effective microbiological surveillance can allow for implementing proper, effec-tive and timely control measures in a high-risk setting.


Candida, surveillance, NICU

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GERACI DM,VIRGA A,VECCHIO D,GRAZIANO G,SAPORITO L,INSINGA V,MAIDA CM,MAMMINA C,GIUFFRÈ M. The burden of Candida species colonization in NICU patients: a colonization surveillance study. Signa Vitae. 2017. 13(2);71-75.


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