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Special Issue
Treatment of non-oliguric hyperkalaemia with inhaled salbutamol in premature infants with severe respiratory distress syndrome
1Department of Paediatric Surgery and Intensive Care, University Medical Centre Ljubljana, Slovenia
2 Faculty of Medicine – Division of Paediatrics, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
*Corresponding Author(s): MAJA PAVCNIK E-mail: maja.pavcnik@kclj.si
Non-oliguric hyperkalaemia (NOHK) in neonates is defined as a plasma potassium level > 6.5 mmol/L in the presence of urine output ≥ 1 mL/kg/h during the first 72 hours of life. It is characterized by a rapid rise of serum potassium to excessively high values, a high risk of cardiac arrhythmias and no occurrence after 72 hours of birth. NOHK commonly occurs in premature neonates, especially in those with a ges-tational age <28 weeks, with only a few reports of this entity in moderate or late preterm neonates. The effectiveness and safety of different treatments for NOHK is uncertain and currently there is no firm treatment recommendation. We describe the case of a moderately premature neo-nate (32+ 2 weeks gestation), with severe neonatal respiratory distress syndrome, who developed NOHK that was treated with inhaled salbutamol. When salbuta-mol is used for the treatment of NOHK, an initial paradoxical rise in potassium levels should always be taken into account to avoid cardiac arrhythmias.
non-oliguric hyperkalaemia, premature, infants, salbutamol, hyperkalae-mia
EDA VIDMAR,MAJA PAVCNIK. Treatment of non-oliguric hyperkalaemia with inhaled salbutamol in premature infants with severe respiratory distress syndrome . Signa Vitae. 2018. 14(1);88-91.
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