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Case Report

Open Access

Late-onset sick sinus syndrome after carbon monoxide poisoning


1Komoro Kosei General Hospital, Yoramachi, Komoro, Japan

DOI: 10.22514/SV142.102018.11 Vol.14,Issue 2,November 2018 pp.73-74

Published: 02 November 2018

*Corresponding Author(s): YUYA KOBAYASHI E-mail:


Carbon monoxide (CO) is a known, potent poisonous gas that causes hypoxaemia be-cause of its high affinity for haemoglobin. It also induces inflammatory responses that cause tissue injury, particularly to the nervous and cardiovascular systems. Here we present a case of late-onset sick sinus syndrome (SSS) after CO poisoning. Ar-rhythmia during the acute phase has been recorded in the literature, but to the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of late-onset SSS. Late-onset neuropathy after CO poisoning is well known, and it seems that a similar mechanism develops in car-diac conduction after CO poisoning. This report highlights the importance of follow-up for arrhythmia after CO poisoning. 


sick sinus syndrome, carbon monoxide poisoning, arrhythmia, neuro-logic injury, cardiac injury

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YUYA KOBAYASHI,YASUFUMI KONDO,JUN TSUYUZAKI,TAKAYUKI EIZAWA. Late-onset sick sinus syndrome after carbon monoxide poisoning. Signa Vitae. 2018. 14(2);73-74.


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