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Case Report

Open Access

A rare consequence of trauma: Chylothorax


1Bulent Ecevit University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Emergency Medicine, 67600 Zonguldak, Turkey

DOI: 10.22514/SV151.042019.11 Vol.15,Issue 1,April 2019 pp.75-76

Published: 23 April 2019

*Corresponding Author(s): HILAL HOCAGIL E-mail:


Chylothorax is defined as the lymphatic fluid accumulation in the pleural space due to the obstruction or injuries in the ductus thoracicus. The incidence of chylothorax due to blunt and penetrating traumas is low at a rate of 0.2-3%. This case presenta-tion intends to evoke chylothorax as a rare cause of pleural effusion due to injuries. A 27-day-old infant was brought to the emergency department with the complaint of a sudden respiratory distress developing after falling off the couch. The respiratory rate was 62, the pulse rate was 174, and the oxygen saturation rate was 68%. In the physical examination, the respiratory sounds were diminished bilaterally. The patient was intubated. As the saturation levels did not improve after intubation, a needle aspiration was performed bilater-ally in the anterior axillary line with a pre-diagnosis of massive haemothorax. A yel-lowish fluid was aspirated from the pleural space bilaterally. Chest tubes were inserted bilaterally to treat respiratory distress due to mass effect of chylothorax. Massive chy-lothorax cases may result in serious com-plications leading to respiratory distress and cardiac dysfunction. An early diagno-sis and appropriate treatment can be life-saving in these patients. 


chylothorax, trauma, pleural ef-fusion

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HILAL HOCAGIL,ABDULLAH CÜNEYT HOCAGIL,GÜLESER AKPINAR. A rare consequence of trauma: Chylothorax. Signa Vitae. 2019. 15(1);75-76.


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