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Case Report

Open Access

Recombinant factor Vlla therapy in a patient on long term anticoagulant treatment with a bleeding and acute subdural hematoma


1Department of Anesthesiology, University Hospital “Sestre milosrdnice”

2Department of Hemathology, University Hospital “Sestre milosrdnice”

DOI: 10.22514/SV22.102007.7 Vol.2,Issue 2,October 2007 pp.25-26

Published: 20 October 2007

*Corresponding Author(s): NATAŠA KOVAÈ E-mail:


In this paper we report on the successful correction of a coagulopathy with activated recombinant factor seven (rFVIIa) therapy which enabled surgical removal of a life threatening subdural hematoma. The severe coagulopathy developed due to long term warfarin therapy, which followed heart valvular reconstruction and replacement. The coagulopathy failed to improve following fresh frozen plasma and vitamin K therapy. Activated recombinant factor VII therapy became the treatment of choice, which enabled the life saving surgical removal of the subdural hematoma.


activated recombinant factor seven, subdural hematoma, anticoagulant therapy, neurosurgery

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NATAŠA KOVAÈ,ALEKSANDAR GOPÈEVIÆ,JOSIP KOVAÈ,PETAR GAÆINA ,MLADEN NOVKOSKI. Recombinant factor Vlla therapy in a patient on long term anticoagulant treatment with a bleeding and acute subdural hematoma. Signa Vitae. 2007. 2(2);25-26.


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