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Open Access

Thoracic electrical bioimpedance theory and clinical possibilities in perioperative medicine


1,Department of Anesthesiology and Reanimatology University Clinical Hospital “Dr. D. Mišović”

DOI: 10.22514/SV31.022008.5 Vol.3,Issue S1,February 2008 pp.22-27

Published: 01 February 2008

*Corresponding Author(s): PREDRAG STEVANOVIĆ E-mail: batica@eunet.yu


This article is a short review of thoracic electrical bioimpedance (TEB) theory and clinical capabilities. Cardiac output measurement is used primarily to guide therapy in complex, critically ill patients. Thoracic electrical bioimpedance is one of several noninvasive techniques that have been investigated to measure cardiac output and other hemodynamic parameters. Opinions in current literature continue to be conflicting as to the utility of thoracic electrical bioimpedance to that purpose. There is a limited number of good designed studies but they imply TEB is an accurate and reliable noninvasive method for determining cardiac output/cardiac index and it would be valuable for patients and circumstances in which intracardiac pressures and mixed venous blood samples are not necessary.


bioimpedance, non-inva-sive hemodynamic monitoring, cardi-ac output, pulmonary artery catheter, thermo dilution

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PREDRAG STEVANOVIĆ,RADISAV ŠĆEPANOVIĆ,DRAGAN RADOVANOVIĆ,ĐORĐE BAJEC,RADOSLAV PERUNOVIĆ,DRAGOŠ STOJANOVIĆ ,DEJAN STEVANOVIĆ. Thoracic electrical bioimpedance theory and clinical possibilities in perioperative medicine. Signa Vitae. 2008. 3(S1);22-27.


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