Article Type
Special Issue
Urinary peritonitis caused by gangrenous cystitis
1Medical Intensive Care Unit, Ibn Rochd University Hospital
*Corresponding Author(s): SAID MOTAOUAKKIL E-mail: smotaouakkil@yahoo.fr
We report a case of a young man who developed severe urinary sepsis, on the 21st day of hospitalization (DH), which was treated with ciprofloxacin and gentamicin. On the 30th DH, he developed bloodstream and urinary infections due to Acinetobacter baumannii which had been treated with colistin and rifampicin. On the 55th DH, he developed urinary peritonitis and necrosis of the anterior and posterior bladder wall. Bilateral ureterostomy was performed. The patient was treated with colistin and imipenem. Peritoneal fluid culture yielded Enterobacter cloacae susceptible to imipenem. An enterocystoplasty was performed. The outcome was favourable.
peritonitis, Acinetobacter baumannii, colistin, rifampicin
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