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Case Report

Open Access

Variation of vascular ring as a cause of extubation failure


1Children’s Hospital Zagreb Department of anesthesiology, reanimatology and intensive care

DOI: 10.22514/SV32.102008.4 Vol.3,Issue 2,October 2008 pp.29-31

Published: 01 October 2008

*Corresponding Author(s): IVANČICA ŠKARIĆ E-mail:


We report on an unexpected extubation failure in a two year old boy. In our patient, failure of extubation led to a diagnostic examination. The result of our examination was discovery of a congenital anomaly of the aortic arch and great vessels (vascular ring) with compression of the trachea. The presence of this anomaly in this patient was unknown to us before. A successful surgical procedure eliminated the underlying cause of the persistent extubation failures.


tracheal compression, vascular ring, extubation failure

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IVANČICA ŠKARIĆ,JASMINKA JAKOBOVIĆ,MAJA KARAMAN ILIĆ,KARMEN KONDŽA Ć,IRENA BABIĆ. Variation of vascular ring as a cause of extubation failure. Signa Vitae. 2008. 3(2);29-31.


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