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Pediatric surgical extracorporeal membrane oxygenation -a case series


1Department of Anesthesiology College of Medicine, Mayo Clinic

2Department of Health Sciences, Mayo Clinic

DOI: 10.22514/SV32.102008.6 Vol.3,Issue 2,October 2008 pp.18-23

Published: 01 October 2008

*Corresponding Author(s): JURAJ SPRUNG E-mail:


Objective. To review demographic and procedural factors and their association with weaning rate and survival from extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) in pediatric patients undergoing repair of cardiac malformations. Methods. The hospital records of children requiring ECMO during cardiac operation due to failure to wean from cardio-pulmonary by pass (CPB) were retrospectively reviewed, and an analysis of variables affecting survival was performed. Results. Thirty-five pediatric patients between January 1, 2000 and December 31, 2006 required ECMO for cardiopulmonary support during cardiac operations. ECMO survival was 54.3% and was comparable across all age groups. The lowest pH during ECMO treatment was the only predictor of mortality (P = 0.006). No other patient, surgical or anesthetic, factor was associated with either weaning from ECMO or hospital survival.  

Conclusions. No clear risk factor could be identified for survival from ECMO in our pediatric patients who underwent cardiac surgery and failed weaning from cardiopulmonary bypass. 


congenital, cardiopul-monary bypass, infants, neonates, failure to wean for cardiopulmonary bypass, survival

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RANDALL P. FLICK',STEPHEN J. GLEICH,ANDREW C. HANSON,DARRELL R. SCHROEDER ,JURAJ SPRUNG. Pediatric surgical extracorporeal membrane oxygenation -a case series. Signa Vitae. 2008. 3(2);18-23.


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