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Mediastinal tube placement in a premature infant with cardiorespiratory derangement due to ventilator associated 



1Pediatric Intensive Care Unit, Department of Pediatrics, University Hospital Rijeka

DOI: 10.22514/SV41.042009.6 Vol.4,Issue 1,April 2009 pp.27-29

Published: 09 April 2009

*Corresponding Author(s): SANDRO DESSARDO E-mail:


While mediastinal free air in the ventilated newborn is usually benign, tension pneumomediastinum can lead to further cardiorespiratory compromise due to the compression of mediastinal structures, including the heart and large blood vessels. The authors present a case of life-threatening pneumomediastinum in a ventilated preterm leading to abrupt onset of cardiorespiratory failure. An 8 French (Fr) drainage catheter was placed in the anterior mediastinum using the 2nd right intercostal space as an insertion site, with prompt hemodynamic improvement. A brief description of the drainage technique and a literature review is presented.


hemodynamics, mechani-cal ventilation, pneumomediastinum, pneumothorax, thoracocentesis

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SANDRO DESSARDO,KRISTINA LAH TOMULIĆ,NEVEN FRLETA,NADA SINDIĆIĆ DESSARDO. Mediastinal tube placement in a premature infant with cardiorespiratory derangement due to ventilator associated pneumomediastinum. Signa Vitae. 2009. 4(1);27-29.


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