Article Type
Special Issue
Transfusion related acute lung injury (TRALI)
1Department of Anesthesiology, Reanimatology and Intensive Care University Hospital Zagreb
2,Croatian Institute of Transfusion Medicine Hospital Transfusion Service in Clinical
*Corresponding Author(s): TAJANA ZAH E-mail: tajanazah@yahoo.com
Transfusion-related acute lung injury (TRALI) is a complication following transfusion of blood products and is potentially a life-threatening adverse event of transfusion. The first case of fatal pulmonary edema following transfusion was reported in the 1950s. In recent time, TRALI has developed from an almost unknown transfusion reaction to the most common cause of transfusion related major morbidities and fatalities. A clinical definition of TRALI was established in 2004, based on acute respiratory distress which has temporal association with transfusion of blood components. In 2008 a distinction between classic and delayed syndrome was proposed. However, pathophysiology of TRALI still remains controversial. A number of different models were proposed to explain the pathogenesis. The two, presently most accepted models, are not mutually exclusive. The first is the antibody mediated model and the second is the two-event model.
In this review article the definition of TRALI, patient predisposition, treatment, prevention and reporting guidelines are exa-mined. The current knowledge on the topic TRALI is summarized.
transfusion, acute lung injury
TAJANA ZAH,JASNA MESARIĆ,VIŠNJA MAJERIĆ-KOGLER. Transfusion related acute lung injury (TRALI). Signa Vitae. 2009. 4(2);8-11.
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