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Critical (Intensive) Care Medicine and CPR

A Personal History ByMax Harry Weil


1Well Institute of Critical Care Medicine North Westrn University Medical School Chicago, Illnois Keck School of Medicine of the University of Southern California

DOI: 10.22514/SV51.092010.1 Vol.5,Issue S1,September 2010 pp.7-9

Published: 07 September 2010

*Corresponding Author(s): MAX HARRY E-mail:


I perceive that the most consitent pursuits of successful innovators and leaders in medicine, as in all endeavors, come from aspirations generated by dreams rather than hope or by fate alone; from the excitement with which the dreamer atracts collaborators who have prepared minds and skillful hands; they join talents and destinities to convert the dream to expert plans.Contigent on the vigor, the persistence and on the attention to detail with which they commit to the execution of their plans, the secure the advances that contribute to the social goods and bring ultimate success to all who have jioned des-tinies to seriously pursue those dreams.


cardiopulmonary resus-citation, critical care medicine, inten-sive care medicine, history, progre-ss, future

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MAX HARRY . Critical (Intensive) Care Medicine and CPRA Personal History ByMax Harry Weil. Signa Vitae. 2010. 5(S1);7-9.


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