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Epinephrine administration via a laryngeal mask airway: what is the optimal dose?


1,Department of Emergency Medicine Chi-Mei Medical Center

2Department of Biotechnology, Southern Tainan University of Technology

3,Department of Medical Research Chi-Mei Medical Center

4Department of Environmental and Occupational Health and Department of Environmental and Occupational Medicine, Medical College,National Cheng Kung University

5,Emergency Department Chi-Mei Medical Center

DOI: 10.22514/SV52.112010.4 Vol.5,Issue 2,November 2010 pp.25-28

Published: 01 November 2010

*Corresponding Author(s): KUO-TAI CHEN E-mail:


Background. The aim of this animal study was to clarify the effects of laryngeal mask airway (LMA)-administrated epineph-rine and to assess the optimal dose.

Methods. Thirty pigs were anesthetized and intubated with a cuffed tracheal tube (TT) and an LMA. Then they were assigned to one of five groups. The control group received distilled water 10 mL via the TT; the TT group received epinephrine 50 􀀁g/kg via the TT; and the other three groups received two, four or six times the TT dose of epinephrine via the LMA. Heart rate (HR) and arterial pressure were monitored before and after drug administration for 15 minutes.

Results. After epinephrine administration, the LMA-6 and TT groups had elevated systolic, diastolic and mean arterial pres-sures at 1 min and there was no significant difference between the two groups. In the TT group, these parameters peaked at 2 min then declined rapidly. In the LMA-6 group, they increased more slowly, and then maintained a plateau. The control, LMA-2 and LMA-4 groups failed to display significant persistent (>2 min) hemodynamic changes.

Conclusions. We could not identify an optimal LMA-administrated epinephrine dose. The TT route is suitable when a high peak drug effect is required and the LMA route may be preferable if a persistent plateau effect is desired. Effective LMA administration of drugs may require larger doses than those given via TT.


airway, drug delivery, epinephrine, laryngeal mask airway (LMA), tracheal tube

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CHIN-KUN LIAO,HUNG-JUNG LIN,NING-PING FOO,CHIN-CHAN LIN,HOW-RAN GUO,KUO-TAI CHEN. Epinephrine administration via a laryngeal mask airway: what is the optimal dose?. Signa Vitae. 2010. 5(2);25-28.


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