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Case Report

Open Access

Emergency Open Cardiac Massage via Subxyphoid Approach in Ruptured Type A Aortic Dissection


1,Department of Trauma Kaohsiung Medical University Hospital Kaohsiung Medical University

2,Department of Trauma Kaohsiung Medical University Hospital

DOI: 10.22514/SV52.112010.6 Vol.5,Issue 2,November 2010 pp.32-34

Published: 01 November 2010

*Corresponding Author(s): CHAO-WEN CHEN E-mail:


Patient sustained cardiac tamponade caused by rupture of type A aortic dissection may result in sudden death. Pericardio-centesis is a lifesaving procedure; nevertheless, blood may occlude the catheter and fail to relieve the pressure. However, open-chest cardiac massage in resuscitation has been studied in animal models by some medical centers and laboratories with inspiring results. We report a 58-year-old woman who was transferred from a local hospital with the diagnosis of cardiac tamponade caused by ruptured type A aortic dissection. Pulseless electrical activity followed by cardiac arrest occurred thereafter. Successful resuscitation in the emergency department was achieved using open cardiac massage through the sub-xyphoid region by opening a pericardial window. Therefore, in unstable patients with cardiac tamponade due to aortic dissection, this resuscitative procedure is feasible, safe and efficient.


direct cardiac compres-sion, resuscitation, sub-xyphoid approach, cardiac tamponade, aortic dissection

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HSING-LIN LIN,WEI-CHE LEE,SHING-GHI LIN,LIANG-CHI KUO,YUAN-CHIA CHENG,CHAO-WEN CHEN. Emergency Open Cardiac Massage via Subxyphoid Approach in Ruptured Type A Aortic Dissection. Signa Vitae. 2010. 5(2);32-34.


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