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Case Report

Open Access

Anaesthesiological problems in children with congenital laryngeal stenosis


1,institute of Child and Asolescent Health Care of Vojvodina Clinic of Paediatric Surgery

2,Clinical Centre of Vojvodina Hajduk Veljkova 1

3,University Children's Hospital Tirsova 10

DOI: 10.22514/SV52.112010.8 Vol.5,Issue 2,November 2010 pp.38-39

Published: 01 November 2010

*Corresponding Author(s): BILJANA DRASKOVIC E-mail:


Congenital laryngeal stenosis is a rare condition, which can be diagnosed in the early neonatal period. Manifest stenosis can be life threatening. Severe (“critical”) types of stenosis require securing an adequate airway just after the birth, as well as early tracheotomy as a life-saving procedure.

This paper presents a case report of a preterm newborn with severe laryngeal stenosis diagnosed at birth. It was not possi-ble to secure the airway even with endotracheal tubes of the smallest diameter, thus a laryngeal mask (LMA) was placed to provide adequate ventilation and oxygenation. Anaesthesia was administered in the same way during the tracheotomy procedure, which was performed in the earliest hours of the baby’s life. 


laryngeal stenosis, laryn-geal mask, newborn, airway

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BILJANA DRASKOVIC,ANNA URAM BENKA,DRAGAN DRASKOVIC,DUSAN MARIC,DUSICA SIMIC. Anaesthesiological problems in children with congenital laryngeal stenosis. Signa Vitae. 2010. 5(2);38-39.


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