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Case Report

Open Access

Usage of central venous catheter for delayed traumatic pneumothorax


1,Department of Urology Kaohsiung Medical University Kaohsiung

DOI: 10.22514/SV61.042011.7 Vol.6,Issue 1,May 2011 pp.41-43

Published: 02 May 2011

*Corresponding Author(s): JIUN-HUNG GENG E-mail:


Pneumothorax, whether spontaneous, iatrogenic or traumatic, frequently requires drainage, especially in the face of positive pressure ventilation or general anesthesia. The traditional approach with large-bore, rigid chest tube is associated with significant pain and various complications. Recently, less invasive modalities such as pigtail catheter or fine-needle aspira-tion have been used in selected patients. We report a case of delay-onset pneumothorax after trauma and the patient was treated successfully with the easily available central venous catheter for drainage. 


thoracic injury, delayed traumatic pneumothorax, central venous catheter, thoracotomy

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JIUN-HUNG GENG,WEI-CHE LEE,HSING-LIN LIN. Usage of central venous catheter for delayed traumatic pneumothorax. Signa Vitae. 2011. 6(1);41-43.


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