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Anesthesia techniques for carotid endarterectomy


1,University of Zagreb Department of Anesthesiology Reanimatology and Intensive Care University Hospital “Sv. Duh”

2,University of Zagreb Department of Anesthesiology Reanimatology and Intensive Care University Hospital Center Zagreb

DOI: 10.22514/SV72.102012.1 Vol.7,Issue 2,October 2012 pp.7-10

Published: 29 October 2012

*Corresponding Author(s): DINKO TONKOVIĆ E-mail:


Stroke is one of the leading causes of death in the modern countries. Mainstay treatment for stroke prevention is carotid endarterectomy (CEA). Patients scheduled for surgery often have many associate systemic illnesses that pose a risk of peri-operative cardiac and neurological complications. Detailed preoperative evaluation of neurological and cardiac function with optimization of the systemic illnesses therapy is obligatory. Ideal anesthesiology technique should provide adequate analgesia, minimal stress response, optimal brain perfusion and oxygenation, optimal hemodynamic and myocardial oxygen balance while assuring calm and relaxed patients with good surgical comfort. Both regional anesthesia and general ane-sthesia have some advantages and drawbacks. Regarding to cerebral and myocardial ischemia and adverse outcome after CEA, especially in high risk patients, today still it is not clear which anesthesia technique is preferred for CEA. Greatest risk in the early postoperative period is new neurological deficit caused by cerebral ischemia end myocardial infarction caused with hemodynamic instability and therefore CEA patients are placed in the Intensive Care Unit for at least six or more hours where they are monitored for neurological and hemodynamic complications.


anesthesia, carotid endarterectomy

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